Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lion Vs Tiger: Who Do You Think Wins If They Get In A Fight?

When it comes to animals of the wild, lions and tigers are sure to be mentioned. Lion, in addition to being a powerful mythical character, is an animal whom most of the animals respect, thus earning him the title of the ‘the king of the jungle.’ Tiger on the other hand, is known for the strength in its paws and a lethal killer in the wild.But what happens when these two deadly beasts are pitted against each other?
Since ancient times

This battle of the two most dangerous animals of the wild is something which has piqued the interest of hunters, naturalists, poets and scientists since many centuries. Even today, their might is celebrated in popular culture and there have been numerous movies and shows where lions are portrayed as the ‘mightiest’ of all the animals in the jungle. After seeing all this collective agreement that if a lion and tiger were to fight, the lion is more likely to emerge on top. But the reality says something else.In Ancient Rome, lions and tigers were pitted against each other in arenas for the purpose of entertainment and betting. And it was found that most of the people placed their bets on tigers rather than lions!There was a tiger owned by the King of Oude who is said to have killed 30 lions in duel.
Why are tigers favoured?
For understanding the reason behind it, let’s look at their physical assets. 
1. Bite force: Tigers have higher average bite forces than lions. Their teeth are exceptionally strong, and they are the longest amongst all (measuring from 7.5 to 10 cm in length). 
2. Body Size: When it comes to body size, lions beat tigers. But as they say, physical strength is not the only factor which counts in a confrontation of two equally powerful species. 
3. Brain Size: Tigers have been found to have bigger brains than lions relative to their body size.
4. Nature: In any fight, this is the most crucial factor which makes a huge difference between win and loss. Lions are social species while a tiger is mostly a solitary being. Lions usually grow up in a ‘pride’ of almost 30 lions, where they play with other cubs and lionesses for passing their time. When a lion grows up, it is usually seen that it is the closely-knit community of the female lions in the pride which does the hunting. So a lion doesn’t get much chance to see what’s out there. Of the times when a lion goes out to hunt, it is usually accompanied by other lions. So it does not do any good to lions when it comes to handling sudden situations.
On the other hand, a tiger usually remains alone most of the time and interacts with the opposite sex for copulation. And since it remains alone for most of the time, it is better equipped to handle dangers and deal with them efficiently.

TIGER vs LION Real Fight video

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