Sunday, July 12, 2015

Did you know about lions?

Roar, If You Like Lions

Eating, roaring, and sleeping are what lions do most of the time. Lions, “Panthera Leo” are also commonly called, “King of the Beasts”. In Africa lions were seen as chiefs. The claws and teeth of any lion killed were placed in the grave of a chief. This ensured that the chief’s spirit would come back as lion, protect the land and control the crops and animals fertility.

What are their eating habits?

One lion can consume up to 88 pounds in one meal. Each adult lion requires 11 pounds of meat per day. Unlike many other Felids, they are able to capture larger prey, because they hunt in groups. Even with that advantage, the lion’s hunt success is still only successful in one out of every five attempts, so they scavenge as much as they can. What they eat includes: warthogs, antelope, buffalo, zebras, gazelles and even small elephants and rhinos. In one year, one lion consumes the equivalent of 30 medium sized prey animals or 10-20 large prey animals.

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